European Conference of Women in Black, Leuven 2014 1






Over 100 Women in Black from 22 countries met in Leuven, Belgium, 1-3 May 2014 and discussed many challenges to our peace and human security in Europe, and of people around the world suffering the impacts of European economic and military policies. We listened to our hearts, our heads and our bellies. Deeply concerned at the levels of militarism and nationalistic and sexual violence in our countries, we call for the full engagement of women at all levels of negotiations to promote nonviolent solutions that address the causes of conflict and build peace and justice.


Women in Black was forged out of opposition to militarism and ethnic cleansing in Israel-Palestine and the Balkans. From our experiences, we raise concerns about Ukraine’s recent crises, Israel’s continuing occupation of Palestine, and European arms sales and military interventions in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, DR Congo and Mali…. We oppose these complex problems being used to justify human rights violations, military build-ups, and increased weaponisation by NATO and Russia, among others. We reject the patriarchal structures of oppression and inequality that create and sustain economic, military, political and sexual violence, from which women and children are particularly threatened and disadvantaged. Economic policies that cut health, education and social needs are a war on women and the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our societies.

This is a critical moment for Europe’s future and democracies.




No more wars and military interventions in our names.

Yes to nonviolent solutions and fully involving women in preventing conflicts and building peace.


No more racism and persecution of migrants in our names.

Yes to human rights, diversity, mutual respect, and freedom of movement and expression.


No more oppression in our names.

Yes to sexual rights, equal opportunities, solidarity and inclusion.


No more arms sales and military expenditure in our names.

Yes to increased resources for our health, education, human security and social needs.


No more nuclear weapons and nuclear-armed alliances in our names.

Yes to a global treaty to ban and eliminate all nuclear weapons.


No more economic and social wars against the poor in our names.

Yes to labour rights, human dignity and social justice.


No more repression of social movements, peace activists and women human rights defenders in our names.

Yes to our feminist, nonviolent right to be disobedient.



Europese Conferentie Vrouwen in het Zwart-Leuven 1-3 mei 2014




24 mei = gemeenschappelijke actiedag – Russische bezetting van Oekraïne

24th of May = common day of action – Russian occupation of Ukrain

24 mai=jourd’action communl’occupation russede l’Ukraine

24 maggio= giornodi azione comuneoccupazione russadell’Ucraina

24 de mayo=díade acción comúnla ocupación rusade Ucrania


6 juni = Palestina 47 jaar bezet (zend in je eigen taal STOP DE BEZETTING… naar:)

6th of june= Palestine 47 yrs occupied (sent in your own language STOP THE OCCUPATION….. to:)

6Juin=Palestine occupée47 ann .(envoyer dans votre propre langueARRÊTER L’OCCUPATION à)

6 de junio = la Palestina ocupada47 años (enviaren su propio idiomaPARAR LAOCUPACIÓNa…)

6 giugno=47 anniPalestina occupata(invianella tua linguaStop all’occupazionea🙂



9 augustus: actie om AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) Aldermasten en Burghfield te verbinden met een 7-mijls lange roze wollen shawl

9 august: connect the AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) factories between Aldermasten and Burgfield near London with a seven mile woollen pink scarf.

9 aout:relient lesusinesAWE(Atomic Weapons Establishment) entreAldermasten et Burghfield près deLondres avec une septmileécharpe de lainerose.

9 agosto:collegare iAWE(Atomic Weapons Establishment) fabbrichetraAldermasten eBurghfieldnei pressi di Londracon una rosasciarpa di lanasette miglia.

09 de agosto: conectar lasfábricasAWE(Atomic Weapons Establishment) entre Aldermasten yBurghfieldcerca de Londresconsiete millasde lanabufanda de color rosa.

Meer informatie / more information / más información/ulteriori informazioni/plus d’informations


and Rebecca Johnson:

eerste week van september NATO- topconferentie /first week of september NATO – summit meeting / première semaine de Septembre conference de l’OTAN /prima settimana di settembre ConferenziaOTAN / primerasemana de septiembre conferenzia NATO

DEMONSTREER TEGEN de Nato in je eigen stad

OPPOSE NATO in your own town

CONTESTEROTANdans votre propre ville

OPONERSEla OTANen su propia ciudad

OPONERSEla OTANen su propia ciudad

21 september VN-dag: actie tegen straffeloosheid van leden van de UN vredesmissies, de blauwe helmen.

21 of september: UN day: action against impunity for UN peacekeepers (initiative: London/Belgrade) more information to follow!

21septembre:Journée des Nations Unies: la lutte contrel’impunité pour lessoldats de la paixdes Nations Unies(initiative: Londres/Belgrade) plus d’informationsà suivre!

21settembre: giornatadelle Nazioni Unite: l’azionecontro l’impunità perle forze di pacedelle Nazioni Unite(iniziativa: Londra /Belgrado) maggioriinformazionia seguire!

21deseptiembre: Día de las Naciones Unidas: medidas contra la impunidad de lasfuerzas de pazde la ONU(iniciativa: London / Belgrado) más informacióna seguir! “fifty-fifty “= women’s section. Read it!! Write for it /!!/ secciónde las mujeres.Léelo! Escribeparaque/!la sectiondes femmes. Lisez-le! Écrire pourelle/!la sezionefemminile.Leggetelo! Scrivere peressa/! Lees en schrijf er voor!

Schrijf naar voor petitie-acties voor Palestijnse kindgevangenen

Pour l’intérêtdela pétitionsurenfants palestiniensdétenusécriventà

For interest in petition on Palestinian Children Prisoners write to


Para el interésen la peticióndePalestinaNiñosPrisionerosescriba a

Paula Abrams Hourani:

Voorstel:een steunactievan Womenin Blackin Europa voor steun aanPalestinanabij het EuropeesParlement als debetrekkingen tussen de EUIsraël besproken worden

Proposal: a supportactionofWomen in Blackin Europeto supportPalestineclose to the EuropeanParliament and theEU-Israelrelationsare discussed

Proposition: d’une action de soutien à la Palestine par les Femmes en Noir d’Europe auprès du prochain Parlement européen que les relationsentre l’UEet Israëlsont discutés

Proposta: un’azione di sostegnodelle Donne in NeroinEuropa a sostenerela Palestinavicino al Parlamentoeuropeo e allerelazioni UE-Israelesono discussi joindre Michele

Propuesta:una acción de apoyode Mujeres de Negroen Europapara apoyar aPalestinacerca del ParlamentoEuropeoy delasrelaciones UE-Israelse discuten

Michèle Radonavanovitch:


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